Sunday, April 5, 2009

How To Find the Angles of A Triangle When Only Given the Side's?

As I had said earlier, I am investigating If you know the side lengths of a right triangle, can you predict what the angles will be?

Through my data that I had collected, it seems that with the given sides I recieved they all form the same right triangle. I think this is true because these number are all multiples of each other.

Side ACSide ABAngle BACSide BCAngle ABC

I am still investigating this qusetion because their is a way to get the angles if you are only given the sides. This question is important because it can end up in a standarized state test and i want the people to know how to solve this problem.

1 comment:

  1. The standardized state test isn't really the most important thing. What math is really about (and what I hope this project is about) is creating your own questions and finding ways to answer them. I would like to know more about why you thought it was an interesting question. I am also excited to learn about what you will investigate next. Are you going to look at triangles that are not multiples of each other? Are you going to look at triangles that are multiples of each other, but not of these triangles?
